Content Optimization

Content Optimization

Content is king. Unless and until the content is engaging and meets the need of the viewers, a website can never attract traffic and attain a higher rank on the search engines. Therefore, content optimisation is one of the core aspects of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Content optimisation is the process to make the content more relevant, productive and actionable. It ensures that the content is written in such a way that it appeals to the largest target audience. Content optimisation also aims to present the content in a more comprehensible and attractive way. It enhances the aesthetics of the page, thus adding more value to the page. It also fixes the bottlenecks to improve the technical performance i.e. the speed of the page. Content editing and design improvisation are also part of content optimisation. The content head or subheading is user-friendly. It optimises the content.

Parameters to be considered while developing content:

  • Topic-centric content
  • Well-researched and matured content
  • Content has depth
  • Content touches all perspectives of the topic
  • Content is propped by various aids like images, graphs etc
  • Content is expressed in simple language and logical way

Some of the easy strategies to optimise content optimally:

A) Descriptive and accurate page titles

Descriptive and accurate page titles are highly impactful as far as achieving a higher rank is concerned.

B) Placement and frequency of the right keywords

The keywords and the variants of the keywords should be strategically placed in the titles, descriptions, subheadings, images, content body and alt tag.

C) categorise content for different sets of users

Since the attention span and disposable time of the users are less. Therefore, categorisation of the content according to the type of user economises the search time.

D) Make the content rare

Viewers always look for content which gives them unique and additional information. So, content can be made rare by giving ideas not found anywhere else.

E) Make the content interactive

It is always better to avoid the presentation of the content in a lecture style.

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