Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Keywords form the lifeline of SEO. The more popular the keywords are, the more popular the website. The first step of an SEO expert to optimise the search of the viewers is to choose the right keywords. Therefore, keyword research is one of the core job responsibilities of an SEO expert.

Merits of a good Keyword Research

Keyword research is a process to find out those words and phrases which are most commonly found in the searches of viewers. It also informs the various ways in which keywords are used to search content for a particular topic. Since keywords are basic to content marketing, an SEO expert leaves no stone unturned to get the best keywords for his or her website.

It is also equally important to know that evolution and change in language are directly linked with keyword research. An SEO expert, through adept keyword research, can replace the words, not in popular use with those in use. Competent keyword research can convert online traffic into website traffic. Keyword research helps to know the mood of the people and shifts in language trends.

Frequency of Keyword Research

Keyword research is a regular continuous process. A website is alive and popular as long as the keyword research is alive. Since, a website thrives on keywords and keywords are as dynamic as the content is, an SEO expert should make his or her keyword research more scientific and thorough.

Suggestion for Search

When viewers search for content, the search engines give suggestions for keywords. Keyword research takes into consideration these suggestions and incorporates the suggested keyword to widen the scope of being clicked by viewers.

To know the Competitors

Keyword research helps an SEO expert know which keywords his or her competitors use. But the keywords that the competitor uses may not be important for him or her because it depends on the chosen topic and the target audience.

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