Website Analysis

Website Analysis

Website analysis is the fact-checking process. It gauges the performance of a website and identifies its strengths and weaknesses. In other words, website analysis brightens the chances for a website to become more popular and expand its viewership by working on its weaknesses and capitalising on its strengths.

Website analysis makes a comparative critical examination of websites to find out if a website is potent enough to match other reputed websites. Besides, it also indicates if the strategies in place are efficient or need to be changed. Website analysis gives factual and logistical detail about the traffic and performance of a website.

SEO is a highly dynamic domain. A Google SEO expert should always keep a website updated to match the contemporary standard and taste that he can achieve through proficient website analysis. Various tools are available to conduct efficient website analysis.


Website analysis gives data and findings about the following crucial aspects of SEO:

Website traffic
Website Traffic

Website analysis monitors the volume of regular traffic to a website. It also keeps an eye on the sources through which the traffic is directed to the website: directly from the search engines like Google and Bing or through other websites. This helps an SEO expert to refine and improve the SEO activities to boost website footfall from across the world.

New Viewers
New Viewers

It is a need to track the traffic of new viewers of a website. This helps the SEO expert to understand what leads new viewers to the website and therefore, the needs and demands in vogue.

Title tags, content and links
Title tags, content and links

Title tags, keyword research, anchor text and links play a decisive role in giving more visibility and prominence to a website. Website analysis facilitates the SEO expert to know if the title tags, content, anchor text and links are performing well.

Website Analysis

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